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The module is assessed by coursework. A short assignment worth 20% of the overall module mark is to be submitted by Wed 20th October, a second assignment worth 70% is to be submitted by Wed 1st December. Assignments should be submitted in the Business School submissions box, outside room 1/53. The remaining 10% comes from workshop contribution as described above.
The purpose of the relative low weighting of the first assignment is to give you some feedback and help you to do well in the second larger piece of work.
Both the assignments should be presented in basic report style. This means in appropriate formal writing style, with contents page, sections and subsections, a clear introduction and conclusion etc. Some guidance on report style is given at the end of this handout. You will see on the marking feedback sheets also included here that some marks will be allocated to presentation so make sure that your work is checked for spelling and grammar and is well laid-out.
To undertake these assignments you will need to carry out library research and read beyond the main text. You must use relevant literature in your reports to show the sources of your material and to provide evidence to support your arguments. This must be referenced correctly using the Harvard format, and a bibliography provided. A guide to Harvard referencing is available on the WebCT page for the module.
Assignment 1 (www.dxlwwang.com/uk/ approximately 1,000 words)
Select one form of direct employee involvement and one form of collective representation and compare these, in terms of what value they deliver to the employee.
Assignment 2 (approximately 3,000 words)
You have been asked to give advice to management of an organisation which, in response to growing trade union membership amongst the workforce, has decided to recognise a trade union.
Produce a report outlining the implications of this decision/liuxuekecheng/daixieassignment/and advising them on what actions they should take to ensure good employee relations in future.
HRM09104 Managing the Employment Relationship

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