With the development of society, the talent training issue hasattracted more and more people’s attention. Many relevant issues havebeen widely discussed all over the world-- what kind of talents we shouldcultivate, how to train the high-quality talents and what qualities theexcellent talents are supposed to possess. Therefore, the concept “CoreLiteracy” has been came up with and many world organizations andcountries endeavor to construct a system or a model for their talenttraining.What’s more, lots of scholars and teachers keep pace with thisnew trend and begin to combine the “Core Literacy” with differentdisciplines in order to cultivate students’ disciplinary literacy during theclassroom teaching. In October, 2015, the construction of “disciplinaryliteracy of the English subject” was brought out during the nineteenthacademic annual Conference of the Specialized Committee of foreignLanguage teaching and learning in China, which contains 4 aspects:language competency, quality of thinking, cultural awareness andlearning ability. There are only first 3 aspects discussed in this thesis andto make it more specific, each aspect is narrowed down. That’s to say,the study on language competency mainly focuses on the writing ability,quality of thinking turns to critical thinking and cultural awareness goesto more specific issue that is about understanding of cultural differences.
Just as I have mentioned before, many world organizations andcountries have been doing research in “Core Literacy” in past few years.Besides, some countries and areas are devoting to construct the coreliteracy system based on different subjects, for example, American “21stCentury Skills” is based on the core subjects, including mathematics,English and so on. However, we can not copy the American model orothers’ systems because of different national situations and educationalconditions. In China, not only many scholars but also some experiencedteachers try to figure out what the core literacies of a certain subject areand how to cultivate learners’ disciplinary literacy. As for the Englishsubject, some famous scholars, such as Wang Qiang, Gong Yafu and soon, concentrate on carrying research in disciplinary literacy fromdifferent perspectives. However, up to now, there are few empiricalstudies to claim or prove how to develop students’disciplinary literacy.
Chapter One Literature Review
This chapter is devoted to giving a brief review of the studies doneon the Core Literacy and the teaching of the Project section in theAdvance with English. There is a must to reiterate that this study closelyinvolves with senior high school English teaching in China, especiallythe teaching of the Project section, so it may lack for relevant foreignstudies on certain topic.
1.1 Previous Studies on Core Literacy
The concept of core literacy in recent years has attracted theattention of scholars at home and abroad. From the basic issue, such aswhat is core literacy and how to cultivate it, to further level, combinedwith the syllabus and subject teaching, this concept gradually has beenpolished and enriched. It is necessary to mention that there are differentexpressions about core literacy, such as core competency and keycompetency.In 1997, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Developmentadvocated the concept “Key Competency” that consists of competenciesof using tools interactively, interacting in heterogeneous groups andacting autonomously. In 2005, European Union officially published KeyCompetences for Lifelong Learning: A European Reference Frameworkwhich noted 8 core competences, namely communication in mothertongue, communication in foreign language, mathematical competenceand basic competences in science and technology, digital competence,learning to learn, social and civic competence, sense of initiative andentrepreneurship, and cultural awareness and expression. In 2007,American 21stCentury Skills were updated, including life and careerskills, learning and innovation skills, information, media, and technologyskills. What’s more, it was designed to combine with core subjects. Forexample, National Governors Association and Council of Chief StateSchool Officers released Common Core State Standards(CCSS),referring to English and mathematics subjects.
1.2 Studies on Teaching the Project Section in the Advancewith English
Just as I have mentioned before, there are few foreign studies onteaching the Project section. However, since this section is an importantpart of teaching contents, a great deal of scholars and teachers in Chinamake their effort to carry out researches about it from different aspects.It is acknowledged that the Project section, as an innovative part, isthe shinning spot of the Advance with English, which aims at developingstudents’ interests and abilities in all round ways and promoting theiroverall development. Thus quite a few teachers and scholars endeavor tofigure out how to teach the Project section effectively and efficiently. Forexample, Deng Xuming(2015) makes a analysis about the currentsituation of Project teaching, claiming the fact that during the practicalteaching, most teachers still focus on the College Entrance Examinationinstead of transforming ways of teaching and learning. Therefore, hecomes up with three ways to deal with the Project section, including that,firstly, teachers should update their views of teaching and students aresupposed to change the ways of learning; secondly, teachers should makemost of the textbook and make some adjustment appropriately; andthirdly, collaborative learning should be advocated during the Projectteaching. What’s more, there are also many teaching examples given bysome teachers, according to their teaching experience, such as WangSuyun (2016) and Zhu Yun(2014). In Zhu Yun’s study, she takes theProject section in Module 7 Unit 4 as an example to design a lessonplanning, which is an inquiry-based learning with a main topic. Sheinsists that it is a good way to promote the effectiveness of classroomteaching. Wang Suyun(2016) also shows her lesson planning aboutModule 2 Unit 1 and Module 5 Unit2, and more importantly, sheanalyzes her design in detail, telling readers how to connect Part A andPart B in the section and why she arranges such a task somewhere in herlesson planning.
Chapter Three Methodology.......... 21
3.1 Research Design ......... 21
3.2 Research Procedure..... 23
3.2.1 Data Collection............ 24
3.2.2 DataAnalysis..... 25
Chapter Four Results and Discussion..... 29
4.1 Effects of Teaching the Project Section Based on PBL Theory...... 29
4.2 Implications for Cultivating Students’ Disciplinary Literacy duringthe...... 42
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
Since the previous chapter has claimed the detailed information ofthe research methodology and preparation for the experiment, thischapter aims to further analyze the data collected and shed light onimplications for cultivating students’ disciplinary literacy. Due to thesmall number of samples and uncertainty about the data distribution, thenon-parametric tests were adopted during the data analysis.
4.1 Effects of Teaching the Project Section Based on PBLTheory on Students’Disciplinary Literacy
This section focuses on the three aspects of disciplinary literacy ofEnglish subject and in order to narrow down the range of this study, threewide aspects were replaced by writing ability, critical thinking ability andstudents’ cultural knowledge and understanding of cultural differences.In this part, a detailed analysis of scores of each aspect in two classeswill be conducted.Just as mentioned before, the two classes were taught the samecontent but in different teaching methods, the Class One receivingteaching of the Project Section based on PBL theory while the Class Tworeceiving teaching of the Project Section in a traditional way. And weexpect there will be different teaching effects on them. Therefore, firsttake a look at the pre-test and post-test of Class One. It’s obvious thatalmost everyone’s total scores got improved in the line chart (Table 4-3),and through the descriptive statistics (Table 4-1) and the paired-samplesnon-parametric test (Table 4-2), a significant difference between totalscore in pre-test and in post-test is proved, M(Total1) =32.12, M(Total2)=36.24, p<0.01.
This thesis is targeted at figuring out effective ways to cultivatestudents’ disciplinary literacy while teaching Project Sections under theguidance of the PBL theory. Disciplinary literacy of English subject, aswe all know, consists of four aspects, namely language competency,quality of thinking, cultural awareness and learning ability, but toguarantee the feasibility of the experiment and to narrow down theresearch range, some detailed issues, such as writing ability, criticalthinking and understanding towards different cultures, are used to standfor those first three aspects. The Project Section in the Advance withEnglish has been the most talked-about recently as the theoreticalfoundation of its design is the project-based learning theory, which ishighly consistent with the popular teaching principles, student-centeredand inquiry-based learning. Thus, this thesis attempts to resolve thefollowing research questions:Which aspect of students’ disciplinary literacy gets improved mostafter the teaching of the Project section in Advance with English with theguidance of PBL theory?What effective and feasible suggestions does the PBL theory offerto the classroom teaching of the Project section in Advance with English?
References (abbreviated)