Chapter OneIntroduction
1.1 Research Background
The author is an English teacher in Jixing Primary School which is located in ahigh-elevation, remote mountainous area of Jinkouhe County, Leshan City, SichuanProvince and belongs to Xiaoliang Mountainous Areas. Most of its people are Yipeople, so it’s called Ethnic Minority Area. Some students that are superior havechosen the urban schools. The number of the Yi students from Meigu as well as localleft-behind children is increasing and most of the students are taken care of by theirgrandparents whose educational consciousness is poor. Worse still, their parents poorlyregulate their education and learning because of busy work. Many students’ learning isin a state of no supervision. The study habits of most pupils are not good, so theyperform bad learning initiative.Their learning has to be regulated and urged by teachersat school and their academic records aren’t very good. Thus, the teachers not only haveto supervise and urge the students to complete their learning tasks in listening,speaking, reading and writing but also spend a lot of time and energy supervisingstudents’ homework with correction because many students’ homework is of badhandwriting and some students even don’t do their homework every day.According to the New English Curriculum Standard for Elementary School fromMinistry of Education (2011), learner autonomy is one of the most important ways thatthe new curriculum reform advocates. Action Plan for Children's Survival andDevelopment in China(Zu Liping,1) calls for the contemporary young children to learnto care for themselves, learn to study autonomously, learn to regulate themselves, learnto protect themselves and learn to improve themselves. That is to say, the currenteducation should not solely focus on teaching students to learn knowledge but teaching them how to learn knowledge. While in the current rural primary schools, most ofEnglish teachers regard themselves rather than the pupils as the main body in theirteaching process, because they want to get a high average score in the test held by theCounty Educational Administrative Department each year. However, it’s really difficultfor them to get high grades in such a way. Then most of the teachers look down upontheir own students. If things go on like this, the confidence of the teachers, parents andstudents will disappear gradually, which makes adverse effects on the development ofschools, teachers and students. It’s a common annoyance of many educational sectorsand schools of ethnic minority areas. Through the practice in the daily work and thecommunication with the brother schools, the author finds that most of teachers mentionstudents’ poor study habits and learning initiative, as well as low interest in learning. Infact, most of these students’ learning intelligence is good, but their non-intelligencefactors cause the backwardness and slack in study.
1.2 Research Purposes
This study aims to find out the current situation of the pupils’ autonomous Englishlearning in rural primary schools of ethnic minority schools and provide somereference for choosing strategies to develop pupils’ autonomous English learning, andlook forward to promoting the application of autonomous learning in rural primaryschools of ethnic minority areas.In this paper , the author will take Jixing Primary School as an example accordingto teaching practice, and take the 74 pupils of Grades Four, Five and Six as theexperimental objects to analyze the effect of pupils’ autonomous English learningbefore and after the experiment, in order to make students learn to learn and graduallyform good learning motivation, design proper learning plans, improve theirself-monitoring abilities, and learn to adjust and evaluate themselves with the help ofthe teachers. That is to say, the author tries to find the answers to the following fivespecific research questions in the research procedure:1.What’s the present situation of the pupils’ autonomous English learning in ruralprimary schools of ethnic minority areas?2.What are the main factors that influence pupils’ autonomous English learning inrural primary schools of ethnic minority areas?3.Can the pupils’ English autonomous learning abilities be improved throughproper strategies in rural primary schools of ethnic minority areas ?4.Can the pupils’ English be improved in rural primary schools of ethic minorityareas by developing their autonomous English learning?
Chapter TwoLiterature Review
2.1 Theories Related to Ethnic Minority Areas
In this thesis, Ethnic Minority Areas means Xiaoliang Mountainous Areas wheremost of the ethnic people live and the natural environment is worse, the economicdevelopment is backward, the infrastructure construction lags behind, the condition ofthe school is backward, and the overall quality of the people is low.The author takes Jixing Primary School as a case study. It is located in ahigh-elevation, remote mountainous area of Jinkouhe County, Leshan City, SichuanProvince and belongs to Xiaoliang Mountainous Areas. Most of its people are Yipeople, so it’s called Ethnic Minority Area.
2.2 Theories Related to Autonomous Learning
In this part, the author makes a definition of autonomous learning for this thesisafter teasing lots of scholars’ opinions on defining autonomous learning in foreigncountries and China. Then the author tries to induct the characteristics of autonomouslearning through analyzing relevant thoughts of the scholars.What is autonomous learning? What is the nature of autonomous learning?Different scholars have different opinions. Through analyzing the concepts of thescholars both in foreign and China, the author finds that although the concept ofautonomous learning has been proposed for nearly a century, it’s difficult to make aunified definition of autonomous learning. In view of the important position of theautonomous learning in the field of learning theory, curriculum theory and teachingtheory, the author takes the definition made by Pang Weiguo as the definition ofautonomous learning in this thesis. That is, the students can use meta-cognitive,motivational, behavioral strategies consciously to take the initiative to learn effectivelyunder the guidance of teachers, parents, classes and so on(2003:5). As for the pupils'physical and mental developing features mentioned in this research, it’s not easy tomake students learn fully independently from the six dimensions of motivation andattitude, study planning, self-monitoring, learning strategies, external influence,self-evaluation, and self-adjustment for primary school students(2003:6).
Chapter Three Methodology ........... 24
3.1 The Questions of the Study ...... 24
3.2 The Participant of the Study ..... 24
3.3 Research Instruments .... 25
3.4 Research Procedures ..... 28
3.5 Data Analysis ......49
Chapter Four Findings and Discussion ......51
4.1 The Present Situation of the Rural Pupils’ Autonomous Learning .............51
4.2 The Main Factors that Influence Pupils’ Autonomous English Learning..............61
4.3 Comparison of Pupils’ English Autonomy Before and After the Experiment .......65
4.4 Comparison of the Pupils’ English Learning Effect .............75
4.4.1 Contrasting Their Testing Grades Before and After the Experiment ..............75
4.4.2 Contrasting Their Testing Grades with Pupils’ in Urban Primary Schools.....77
Chapter Five Conclusions ....81
5.1 Achievement of This Research ............81
5.2 Limitation and Implication of This Research ............82
Chapter FourFindings and Discussion
4.1 The Present Situation of the Rural Pupils’ Autonomous Learning
In this part, the author summed up the findings in the process of the firstinvestigation.After analyzing the 74 questionnaires and comparing the questionnairesof 10 excellent students and 10 underachievers and teasing the interviewinginformation from the 10 students, the author got the present situation of the pupils’autonomous learning in rural primary schools of ethnic minority areas.On September 5th2016, 74 pupils in Jixing Primary School were chosen toreceived the questionnaire survey. When the pupils did the questionnaires, the teachersleft, in order to make the survey reliable. About 15 minutes later, the teacher collectedthe questionnaires. All the 74 questionnaires were valid. After averaging thecorresponding scores according to the grades of the evaluation, the results are asfollows:
In this study, the author finds the present situation of the rural pupils' autonomousEnglish learning in ethnic minority areas through analyzing the previous surveydata.The author analyzes the influencing factors from the aspects of schools, teachers,students and family environment through interviewing teachers, students andparents.The author explores a series of strategies to develop pupils’ autonomousEnglish learning in practice. Here the author wants to explain the achievement andlimitation of this research.Through this research, it’s not easy to get that the students in rural primaryschools of ethnic minority areas can also get into a good habit of learning and they canalso be more excellent than those urban students, if the teachers try their best to useproper strategies to help them develop autonomic learning abilities, even they don’thave good family conditions, so we can get the following references from this researchwhile developing the pupils’ autonomous English learning abilities.First, it is feasible and effective to make this research on the strategies to developstudents’ autonomous learning abilities in rural primary schools of ethic minorityethnic for a year. Both the results of the pre-questionnaire and post-questionnaire andthe pupils’ testing grades show that the pupils’ autonomous learning abilities areimproved because of the strategies.Second, the development of excellent students’ and underachievers’ independentlearning abilities should be developed according to their aptitude. Generally speaking,the level of excellent students’ autonomous learning has reached some achievements,because they have been doing very well in their learning motivation and attitude,learning plans, self-monitoring force and learning strategies but they still need to beimproved in extracurricular resources utilization, self-assessment and regulation.However, the underachievers need more time to form English autonomy than excellentstudents, especially for the ones who have poor self-discipline, bad habits, bad familyeducation environment, the teacher need individual attention and guidance to foster herautonomous learning.
References (abbreviated)