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Chapter 1 Introduction
This chapter aims to introduce the whole research, mainly including thefollowing sections: research background, along with the purpose of the research,significance and layout of the research.
1.1 Background of the study
Reading is one of the basic skills of foreign language learning. As far as foreignlanguage learning is concerned, reading is not only the main goal of foreign languagelearning, but also an effective way to learn a foreign language. Therefore, to cultivatestudents’ English reading skills has been an important part of college English teaching.However, reading is often considered a passive skill (Zhou Zhengzhong, 2014).In the reading class, learners can not produce positive and meaningful interaction withthe text. They often read one word at a time and do not get the pleasure of reading.Nunan (2009) proposes one of the biggest complaints about foreign language teachingis that foreign language learners spend a lot of time studying but still cannot read. Sohow to train learners’ reading ability, improve their reading speed and fluency in thecourse of foreign language teaching has always been the focus of scholars.The status and role of prefabricated chunks in SLA (second language acquisition)has become a growing concern in the field of linguistics in line with the developmentof cognitive linguistics. Many studies (Howarth, 1998; Erman & Warren, 2000; Foster,2001) show that there are numerous prefabricated chunks exist in human naturallanguage. They usually are fixed or semi-fixed structure, combining the benefit ofsyntax, semantics and context. Whether in native language or SLA, the studies(Brown, 1973; Petera, 2001) found that children do not rely on the potentialgrammatical rules to acquire language, instead they have experienced a phase of usingof a large number of non-analytical language in a specific context. Prefabricatedchunks play a major role in the initial stage of SLA for they are the basis of usinglanguage creatively.
1.2 Purpose and significance of the study
In recent decades, prefabricated chunks have become one of the hottest topics inthe linguistic field. Especially, the study of chunk theory in foreign language teachinghas received extensive attention. The relevant empirical data have proved that chunkscan facilitate native language learners, and are equally applicable to SLA learners.However, it seems to play a little role on college SLT when it comes to application. Asdiscussed above, there are many problems in college English students’ reading andseveral gaps of previous researches. Thus, the present study tries to solve theproblems and fill the gaps.Reading teaching has always been the focus of college school languageclassroom, how to apply prefabricated chunks to reading teaching practice is worthexploring. Meanwhile, rare studies are found focusing on college art majors as theresearch subjects. The significance of this thesis is to try to fill the vacancy of thisfield. This study applies prefabricated chunks into English reading teaching. Based oncapacity theory, dual-system theory, the author designs a new teaching model whichexplores a set of activities and procedures featuring prefabricated chunks.
Chapter 2 Literature Review
This section gives an overall literature review of the prefabricated chunks,including the definitions, classifications, functions. Then the theoretical foundationsabout prefabricated chunks are mentioned. Bedside, the detailed researches on collegereading comprehension teaching are explained from three dimensions. Finally, theauthor presents an overview of previous researches home and abroad that are relatedto the study.
2.1 Prefabricated chunks
This part provides some basic concepts in of the study, such as the definitions,classifications, functions of prefabricated chunks.The concept “chunking” was originally proposed by Miller (1956). According toMiller, humans are able to identify and recite seven chunks of information at anymoment. Based on the comparison of the data from different psychologicalexperiments, Simon (1974) claims that chunks are the basic unit of human memorywhich provides the psychological reality for prefabricated chunks. After that, scholarsput forward the concept of prefabricated chunks into the field of language linguists(Dong Liyun, 2010). Due to different research aims and methods, many scholarsdevelop the concept of prefabricated chunks respectively. These definitions involve“idiosyncratic chunks” (Becker, 1975), “large lexicon” (Zernick & Dyer, 1987),“ready-made complex units” (Cowie, 1992), “lexical phrases” (Nattinger &DeCarrico, 1992), “lexical chunks” (Lewis, 1993) and “prefabricated or ready-madelanguage” (Haworth, 1998), “formula/ formulaic language” (Xie Jun, 2001).
2.2 Theoretical foundation
This study is on the basis of three theories: effect of memory on chunks, capacitytheory and dual-mode system.In 1950s, psychologists found that chunking played a key role in languagecognition and learning. Prefabricated chunks represent the course of memoryprocessing on information, namely, combining small information into bigger one.Miller (1956) suggests that the capacity of short-term memory is about 7±2chunks, that is, short-term memory can store about 5-9 chunks or meaningfulinformation units. Part of the information block helps to remember another part,which is connected with each other, that is, a chunk means related information whichcan increase the memory span and improve the limited capacity of short-termmemory.By comparing the data of different psychological experiments, Simon (1974)confirms that chunking is the basic unit of human memory which proposed by Miller,thus proving the psychological reality of prefabricated chunks. Chinese scholar YangZhiliang (1993) believes that individuals can extract and process a few importantstimuli by short-term memory. After retelling, the information reserved in short-termmemory can be conversed into long-term memory, which is stored in the brain for along time as knowledge and experience information. He points out that chunking isimportant for short-term memory and the use of chunking strategies helps reduce thedifficulty of short-term memory.
Chapter 3 Research Methodology....42
3.1 Research questions.......... 42
3.2 Participants............ 42
3.3 Instruments............ 43
3.4 Procedures............. 45
3.5 Data collection and processing ........... 48
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion ....49
4.1 Validity and reliability of the questionnaire ........... 49
4.2 Results and discussions of the reading tests ........... 51
4.3 Results and discussions of the questionnaire .......... 55
4.4 Results and discussions of the interview ...... 59
Chapter 5 Conclusion ....65
5.1 Major findings of the study....... 65
5.2 Pedagogical implication of the study............ 69
5.3 Limitations of the Study............ 71
5.4 Recommendations for further study.... 71
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion
In this chapter, the author will present the analysis and discussion about thecollected data. The research makes use of the quantitative method which designed toexplore the effects that prefabricated chunks to the teaching of art majors students’English reading, as well as the qualitative method which intend to acquire learners’perspective to the new reading teaching model.
4.1 Validity and reliability of the questionnaire
4.1.1 Reliability of the questionnaire
Before the analysis and processing of the questionnaire, the first thing to consideris the reliability of the questionnaire data. In order to test the reliability of the scale, itis necessary to test the reliability. The most commonly used method of reliabilityanalysis is the method of Cronbach alpha coefficient. The internal consistency of thequestionnaire is very believable when the Cronbach alpha>0.8; When Cronbachalpha>0.7 but Cronbach alpha <0.8, the questionnaire has a good consistency, whileCronbach alpha >0.7, the questionnaire is acceptable.The variables and the overall scale was Cronbach’s alpha respectively shown inthe Table 4.1, the coefficient is respectively 0.917, 0.914, 0.871, 0.915, 0.903, 0.907,are higher than 0.80, indicating the reliability of the scale can be accepted. In a word,the questionnaire has good internal consistency.
Some practical advice are put forward in this part so as to avoid the limitations ofthis study which are mentioned above.Firstly, the scholars should extend the research time and expand samples’ quantity to get qualified validity and reliability of future study. The subjects of study should bechosen from different institutions, different majors. And the conclusion in this studyshould be proved by the practices on different subjects, different tools and differentteaching .Secondly, based on the analysis of tests, interview and questionnaire, we canmake a conclusion that the prefabricated chunks teaching model plays a vital role inthe development of English reading ability and English proficiency. However, in thisstudy prefabricated chunks model is merely applied into the teaching of reading.Studies on the relationship between prefabricated chunks and other language skillsshould be conducted so as to achieve a comprehensive understanding about thefunction of prefabricated chunks in SLT.
References (abbreviated)

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