本文是一篇英语硕士论文,英语硕士专业主要有 “外国语言学及应用语言学” 和 “英语语言文学” 两个学科的硕士点,这两个专业学科也有相应的博士点。有些学校也开设翻译学硕士点。(以上内容来自百度百科)今天为大家推荐一篇英语硕士论文,供大家参考。
Chapter 1 Introduction
The purpose of this study is to testify whether the problem-based learningmethod which is also called the PBL, is effective to improve students’ writing attitudeand performance and to improve the teacher’ writing teaching in senior high school.This chapter will mainly introduce the background and significance of the study, andthen list the structure of the whole thesis.
1.1 Background of the Study
It is known to all that English writing plays an important role in the CollegeEntrance Examination, which means that English writing teaching, has become moreand more crucial. In addition, English curriculum standard for senior high school hasput forward higher requirements for English writing. Since then, it has become aproblem that needs to be solved urgently for teachers to think how to effectivelyimprove students’ English writing ability.When the researcher interned in the senior high school, she found that it hasbecome a more and more serious problem that the writing teaching adopts thetraditional teaching method: to arrange a topic, to check and give scores to the writingresults and to offer a example composition to the students. However, most students insenior high school still have many problems in English writing, such as inappropriatewords, wrong tense, incorrect grammar and incoherent discourse. Usually, studentsfinish their writing after the teacher arranges a topic. However, it is difficult for the teachers to provide some detailed guidance to the students because of the largenumber of the students. The teacher often corrects mistakes the most students makeand then provides students with writing examples to ask them to recite and imitatethem, which is not an efficient method to promote writing ability. According to theEnglish curriculum standard and the present situation of English writing teaching insenior high school, traditional English writing teaching methods are not suitable todevelop students’ ability. Because traditional English writing teaching method causesstudents lose the interests of learning English gradually.
1.2 Significance and Purpose of the Study
The significance of this study is to do the research about English writing insenior high school based on PBL. It briefly aims at offering some suggestions toimprove students’ English writing attitude and performance. It improves teacher’English writing teaching method.PBL is a new teaching method under the guidance of constructivism. It hasdeveloped rapidly in foreign countries and has been applied in many disciplines and got widely educational effects. In 1960, it firstly appeared in western counties.Scholars and researchers in China have introduced it into China and tried to use it inteaching practice since 1990. This paper reviews the origin, development andtheoretical basis of the PBL and systematically summarizes achievements of the PBLat home and abroad.Based on the studies from the previous scholars, the PBL is usually used inother subjects and there are few examples used in English teaching. Besides,sometimes, the PBL is used in English reading teaching and almost few scholars try tomake it into writing teaching. The researcher applies PBL to the English writingteaching in senior high school and explores English teaching model which conformsto the English writing teaching in senior high school. This not only enriches theteaching theory of English writing, but also it helps teachers accept a new concept andmodel of writing teaching so as to improve the effectiveness in English writingteaching in senior high school. At the same time, this study provides a new way forfurther research in writing teaching.
Chapter 2 Literature Review
This chapter primarily introduces the PBL, and the relationship between PBLand writing ability and the theories related to PBL are explained. This chapter alsoillustrates the situation of current research about PBL both at home and abroad.
2.1 Problem-based Learning
Nowadays, PBL is attracting wide attention in educational area. PBLrepresents a new teaching method that improves the students’ learning interests. PBLtakes the problems in the learning center, the students can get solutions by discussingand solving problem. Besides, PBL put the students in the center of learning, thestudents can get knowledge by exploration and discussion with their classmates. PBLcombines problems, students and teacher with cooperation, so the PBL is supportedby some scholars and educators. At present time, the teachers have learned theimportance of the PBL, so many school are trying to use PBL to help teaching. Thispart introduces the PBL in detail. The learners can learn the definition of the PBL andthe characters of the PBL from the following contents.
2.2 The Connection between PBL and English Writing Teaching in Senior High School
From the analysis above, English writing teaching is one of the necessary partsin English teaching. But the method of English writing teaching in senior high schoolgenerally is to provide a writing topic for the students and then to ask the students tofinish it by themselves. After that the teacher will check the writing one by one andfind out the common mistakes the students make. Finally, the teacher will offer awriting example to the students and ask them to recite it so that they can pass theexamination smoothly. However, this kind of writing teaching method is faced withgreat challenges, because most of students are losing interests in English writinglessons and they don’t have enthusiasm to write. There is much distance betweenwriting teaching effectiveness and expectations. One of the reasons is that writingteaching in senior high school focuses on writing process itself and ignores the rolesof the students, which make the students feel that the purposes of writing are just tofinish tasks rather than get learning abilities and skills by writing practiceautonomously and initiatively. Moreover, the teacher in the class always controls thewriting class and students have no chance to discuss problems in their writing witheach other. So the evaluation of writing practice is to correct common mistakes andthe results of writing practice are to recite some writing examples, which gets littleefficient improvement to maintain the students’ interests, to stimulate and to holdlong-term writing motivation. It is time to change the traditional way of writingteaching, and the students should be motivated to write by individual learning andgroup work.PBL pays more attention to the problem-solving, while writing teaching focuson a perfect writing from various angles. If students use some methods that they havelearned to finish writing, they will make the PBL to the most perfect level. Whenfinishing writing, it is obvious to measure whether these methods are efficient. It isvaluable to connect PBL with writing teaching.
Chapter 3 ResearchMethodology ......... 28
3.1 Research Questions....... 28
3.2 Subjects ....... 28
3.3 Instruments........... 29
3.3.1 Questionnaire..........30
3.3.2 Tests......31
3.3.3 Interview.........31
3.3.4 SPSS 22.0.......31
3.4 Teaching Procedure ........ 32
3.5 Data Collection and Analysis............ 40
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion ........43
4.1 Results........43
4.2 Discussion......62
Chapter 5 Conclusion......66
5.1 Major Findings....66
5.2 Pedagogical Implications............68
5.3 Limitations of the Study......72
5.4 Suggestions for Further Research........74
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion
This chapter consists of the results, discussion and suggestions for Englishteachers. The results from questionnaires, tests and interview show some changesbefore and after the experiment. The discussion is mainly about the two researchquestions of this study, the effects of the PBL method on students’ writingperformance and the effectiveness of the PBL method on the teacher’s writingteaching. Moreover, there are some suggestions for English teachers in Englishwriting teaching.
4.1 Results
In this part, the study mainly illustrated the results of questionnaires, pre-testand post-test and interview both in the control class and the experimental class. Theseresults were composed of the analysis of students’ writing attitude and performanceand the analysis of the teacher’s writing teaching.In order to ensure the successful implementation of the experiment and makethe plan and content of the experiment more suitable for actual needs of the students,the study conducted three questionnaires that were used before and after theexperiment. The pre-questionnaire (Appendix A and B) was conducted at thebeginning of the experiment, and the post-questionnaire (Appendix B and C) wasused on December 1th.The first part of the pre-questionnaire (Appendix A) included 7 questions.Class 7 were asked to do the questionnaire which aims at knowing if the studentsknow the PBL method in their learning. The second part of the pre-questionnaire(Appendix B) has 20 questions which were designed to present the students’ opinionsabout writing attitude, writing performance, writing method and teaching method.Each choice can reflect the students’ ideas about writing learning and teaching. Thepercentage (P) was shown in the following tables. The following table 4-1 reflectedall students’ answers.
The main purpose of this study is to test the influence of the PBL on writingteaching in senior high school. This paper tries to find out the relationship betweenPBL and writing teaching. In this part, the study will make a conclusion about themajor findings, which also contains pedagogical implications, limitations andsuggestions for further study.In the experiment, some results can be gotten through questionnaires, tests andinterviews, which makes it clear that PBL can change students’ attitude to the writingand improve students’ performance in the aspect of vocabulary, sentence structure,article structure, language expression. What’s more, PBL is effective for the teacherto have a good writing teaching. Based on the experimental data, the brief andobvious study findings are listed as follows:Firstly, the PBL method can improve students’ writing attitude tocommunication and can do something with different problems in their writing. Thestudents have more interests in writing because most of them expect to get moreguidance from their teammates. The students become more confident to write andsome of them think it is less difficult to write something than before, because theywill participate actively in group discussion to get many methods to deal with writingproblems in their writing and get some skills in writing, which is helpful to experiencetheir writing improvement and achieve their sense of achievement in writing.Gradually, they like and adapt to this kind of writing style and prefer to actively takepart in group activity. All these are transformation from students’ attitude to the PBLmethod.
References (abbreviated)